If you cannot readily find the books, DVDs or CDs you are looking for through Alma’s Encore Library Catalog, you may look for those items and more using WISCAT, the statewide catalog serving Wisconsin residents with a Wisconsin public library card.
Through WISCAT, you can request items that are available from libraries across the state. The items will arrive at Alma Public Library, where they will be checked out for you to pick up. You can then return the items to the library when they are due.
Just ask your librarian to set up a User Profile for you on WISCAT. Then you can click on this link to sign in: WISCAT
WISCAT is one way Wisconsin’s libraries discover and share materials through interlibrary loan. This service is a project of Resources for Libraries and Lifelong Learning (RL&LL) and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI). Funding support comes from the Institute for Museum and Library Services.