Monday -Thursday 9AM-7PM
Friday 9AM-4PM
Saturday 9AM-1PM

Book Drop Open 24/7

Phone: 608-269-2010

Our Mission:

The Sparta Free Library connects people, engages their minds, and enriches their lives.

Library Staff

Director: Michelle Tryggestad

Youth Services Coordinator:  Cheyenne Puetz

Adult Services Coordinator: Sarah Snyder

Librarians & Assistants:  Lori E., Amy W., Kimmy W., Kristin S., Donna H., Terry H., Danielle G., Jasmine T., Hilary P. 

Library Board of Trustees

Bruce Humphrey, President (City Council Representative)

Sandra Perry, Vice-President

Amy Bernath, Secretary-Treasurer

Amy Russ, (School Representative)

Paul Lenz

Terry Putman

Reinhard Mueller

Library Board regular monthly meetings are typically the 1st Monday of each month at 5:00 pm.

Meetings are held in the library on the lower level in the Multi-purpose Room.  The public is invited to these open meetings.

Meeting Minutes & Agendas

2024 Board Meeting Agendas

January February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December

2024 Board Meeting Minutes

January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December

2023 Board Meeting Agendas

January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December

2023 Board Meeting Minutes

January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December


2022 Board Meeting Agendas
January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December

2022 Board Meeting Minutes

January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September   October   November   December

2021 Board Meeting Agendas

January  February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September  October  November December

2021 Board Meeting Minutes

January  February   March   April   May   June   July   August   September  October  November  December

2020 Board Meeting Agendas

January   February   March   April (canceled)   May   June   July   August   September  October  November  December

2020 Board Meeting Minutes

January  February   March   April (canceled)   May   June   July   August   September  October  November  December

2019 Board Meeting Agendas

January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August   September  October  November  December

2019 Board Meeting Minutes

January  February  March  April   May  June  July  August September  October  November  December

2018 Board Meeting Agendas

January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

2018 Board Meeting Minutes

January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

History of Sparta Free Library

(from the Grand Opening program September 17-24, 1982)

The existence of Sparta’s library capsules American History, its roots reaching back to Civil War days when a gentleman could buy a $5 share of stock in the “Young Men’s Library Association” (and make a security deposit when borrowing a book!).

Then, on May 7, 1874, by Village Council resolution, Sparta became one of the first communities in Wisconsin to take advantage of a newly passed statute enabling villages and cities to establish free public libraries.

For a quarter of a century Sparta’s library operated out of back rooms of dental offices and second floors of store buildings.

In 1902, thanks to a $12,000 grant from Andrew Carnegie and a promise from the village council to meet operating costs, the south section of the present building was erected. The Library had a home of its own.

It had been progressive from the start. Children’s books were introduces to the collection in 1899, the librarian was sent to Madison for “continuing education” in 1902 and there has been a children’s story hour since 1912. But after 80 years of service the neoclassical structure felt the pinch of age and progress.

In 1982, after undergoing a half-million dollar restoration and expansion project, funded by the City, and a $60,000 furnishings effort, funded through individual , corporate and township contributions, the Sparta Free Library felt it could increase and improve services to the community.

A street level entrance and elevator in the new north wing made the facilities available  to the elderly and handicapped. The Children’s Library had been enlarged; collection space was enlarged to accommodate the needs of the period with room to grow; rooms were added including an audiovisual room, multipurpose community room and a small public meeting room. The original building has been preserved and now meets safety and energy saving requirements.

The Sparta Free Library has become “bigger than books — a community home for the arts.”

The community generously contributed to replacing windows.

Our Values-- What We Believe

We believe in equal access to information for all.
We facilitate convenient access to library materials, to digital content, and to the technologies required to access information.
We strive to be a safe, unintimidating, and welcoming place.

We respect the public and recognize that the people of Sparta are not only our
customers, they are the reason the Library exists.
We strive to provide quality services to all and treat everyone equitably and fairly.
We recognize that the Library belongs to the people of the community we strive to be an exceptionally good steward of the investment and trust that the public has placed in it.

We strive to extend our reach and to amplify our effectiveness through partnerships with community organizations.
We demonstrate our commitment to the people of the Sparta area through ongoing involvement in the life of the community.

We believe that bringing people together with ideas and with each other
invigorates the community and stimulates a creative economy
We believe that if people are provided with the right tools, they will use their
natural abilities and their curiosity to develop great things that benefit the

We encourage reading and foster literacy because we believe that they are the
gateway to knowledge and the pathway to success.
We facilitate discovery and the exploration of new ideas.
We support lifelong learning.

Loans, Limits, Fees

The Sparta Free Library circulates many kinds of materials including books, audiobooks (book on CD), DVDs, music CDs, magazines, and more.

Loan Periods

  • Feature DVDs                1 week
  • Lucky Day-Books          1 week
  • Lucky Day-DVDs          3 days
  • TV Series on DVD         2 weeks
  • All other items               3 weeks

Materials can be returned 24/7 at the book drop on rear street side of library.

Materials can be renewed in person, by phone, or online.

Overdue Fines

  • Lucky Day Items         $0.50 per day
  • All other items             $0.25 per day

Overdue fines may be paid in the library by cash or check. Overdue fines of $5.00 or more can be paid online with a credit or debit card.

Printing, Copies, & Fax

  • Black and white prints or copies are $0.10 per side
  • Color prints or copies are $0.50 per side
  • Outgoing faxes are available for $1.00 per page

Scan to email services are available for free. The library does not accept incoming faxes. Need to use a computer for printing? Use your library card or stop by the circulation desk.

State Library Information

The Sparta Free Library circulates many kinds of materials including books, audiobooks (book on CD), DVDs, music CDs, magazines, and more.

Loan Periods

  • Feature DVDs                1 week
  • Lucky Day-Books          1 week
  • Lucky Day-DVDs          3 days
  • TV Series on DVD         2 weeks
  • All other items               3 weeks

Materials can be returned 24/7 at the book drop on rear street side of library.

Materials can be renewed in person, by phone, or online.

Overdue Fines

  • Lucky Day Items         $0.50 per day
  • All other items             $0.25 per day

Overdue fines may be paid in the library by cash or check. Overdue fines of $5.00 or more can be paid online with a credit or debit card.

Printing, Copies, & Fax

  • Black and white prints or copies are $0.10 per side
  • Color prints or copies are $0.50 per side
  • Outgoing faxes are available for $1.00 per page

Scan to email services are available for free. The library does not accept incoming faxes. Need to use a computer for printing? Use your library card or stop by the circulation desk.

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